Fuel System Cleaner E10


300 ml

Reaction time

works during operation

Application field

for use in all gasoline engines

Application interval

with every tank filling


50 ml for 10 L, sufficient for 60- 80 liters of fuel

GAT Fuel System Cleaner E10 cleans effectively valves, injector nozzles and the intake area without dismantling. cleans effectively valves, injector nozzles and the intake area without dismantling. Removes operational contamination and prevents redeposition throughout the fuel system, improving engine performance. Advantages: The product ensures a powerful and stable combustion process and optimizes fuel consumption and exhaust gas emission values. Contains additional additives that protect against the disadvantages of ethanol fuels. Regular use stabilizes the pHe and helps to control acid formation. Effectively protect against corrosion and improve fuel lubricity to prevent excessive wear caused by the poor lubricity of alcohol components.